Student Ministry Update from Deacon Joel Maginnis

Hi Anthem parents and teens,

By now you've hopefully seen a notification for our annual beach trip.  We're pretty excited about it, we're looking forward to getting together in person. If you haven't already, you can register for the trip by CLICKING HERE.

2020 has been a major ministry challenge. It became quickly apparent to us that Zoom is woefully insufficient for teenage community, but we kept with it because we felt like we needed to at least do something to connect and serve our teens during this time.

Now that restrictions have eased and Anthem as a whole has begun to meet in person, we are going to follow suit.  We are going to change our weekly meetings to a once-a-month gathering outside.  That means beach trips, hikes, park trips, etc.  We will still do some teaching, but it will be very light and primarily focused on Gospel fluency and Christ-centered ways of coping with tumultuous times.  

We ask you parents to be with us in prayer and to encourage your teens to participate.  We feel very strongly that they need a space to gather and experience gospel community, like we all do.

We look forward to engaging teenagers and creating space for them in whatever way we can this year.  


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